Monday, October 15, 2012

Ward Split

Dear fam,
Hey. So this week has been pretty crazy. I got transfered... kinda. The Wellington ward split yesterday. So now there's a Wellington ward and a Royal Palm Beach ward. Our areas and the ward boundaries aren't lined up, but we'll probably be the Royal Palm ward. For now I guess we cover both. Because they haven't told us anything. Apparently President Anderson didn't even know about the split. Ha. But I don’t know. We'll see what happens. Transfers are next week so I might not even be here.
“S” is still cool. Not good because if we do change, then she'll be in the Wellington ward. We'll just have to baptize her before any changes happen with us. She came to church yesterday like 5 min late, so we didn't see her at all. She sat on the couch by the bishop's office and listened to all of Sacrament Meeting. It was 2 hours long because the Bishop and his wife bore their testimonies, the new counselor's did, and the new bishop's and their wives. After church (somehow “S” made it to young women's), we asked her how she liked church and she was like, "I liked it a lot, I don’t why everyone was crying though.." haha it was funny. But everything should be progressing fast with her now. 
So the only thing I want when I get home is a new iPhone with my music on it, and a new pair of Beats Studio. We were at a recent convert's on Friday for dinner and his wife had just bought him some and they were soo cool! Ah I was so jealous right then. And when I was at the hospital for Elder “W,” it was on ESPN :) but they also had a Beats commercial that they came out with a bunch of new colors. I've already talked to Hailey about this. But make sure that they're at the airport waiting for me too ;) haha 
I'm doing good. I'm happy. The Beats made me super trunky but I'm over it now haha. Alright I love you guys a lot! Hope all is well and keep updating me on family stuff and sports of course dad ;) LOVE YOU!
Elder J Thorne

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